Traditional Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga)

traditional Ayurvedic massage

Choc Jaffa Bliss Balls

This recipe has been requested my many of the beautiful souls that have attended our workshops, so I have taken the time to write it down. Now this is a great choc base that can be changed for different flavors. You could take out the orange ingredients and replace with mint (choc mint bliss balls)…

Is Your Mindset Making Things Harder?

"If you look at your health & wellbeing as something that requires huge amounts of effort and time, it will always be a struggle".  If you don’t see it as a priority, you will not make or allow time for it in your life. Your health and wellbeing should be your top priority because without…

The Microwave Debate

Are you still using a Microwave to heat food? We have not had a microwave in our home for years now.  I was questioned the other day as to my reasons why. I have many reasons as to why I do not use a microwave for heating food which I will explain. I want you…

I Had It All Completely Wrong

About 4 years ago, I was a mother of two under two and felt like I had completely lost part of myself.I felt like my life purpose was now to only look after my babies but believed unconsciously that the less I did for myself the better mother I was. HOW WRONG I WAS, THIS…

Rediscovering The Soul

When we were born our soul shined brightly through our being. There was no comparison, no judgement, no living from the ego. You can feel and see this when you see a new born baby. They are so pure in all aspects of their being. We are then raised in an unconscious society and often…

The Power Of Sound

I felt very noticeable twitching coming from my womb or root chakra. In a previous sound healing I experienced uncontrollable twitching from my womb. Once I looked into this further it made so much sense. When this happens, it is your body releasing blocked energies through sound. Having had previous trauma in my early twenties,…